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This course demonstrates how a career advisor or mentor might utilize the Colorado Career Advising (CCA) Tool developed by the Indigo Education Company (IEC) in career conversations. While the course will not make you an expert in DISC or Motivators, you should walk away feeling confident in navigating the CCA Tool, finding additional resources on the CCA website, and understanding how the Tool can be used with career seekers.

Indigo has partnered with the Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) and the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to advance Meaningful Career Conversations for career advisors, educators, and mentors. Some of you may have already attended one of CEI’s Meaningful Career Conversation workshops or completed the MCC course. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to continue your career advising training by taking the MCC course.

If you have not already completed the CCA Tool Survey on your own or in the CCA: Pathway to Self-Awareness course, please pause this course and take the survey now. Your completion of the CCA Tool Survey and access to your Results is required for this course.

You will earn two hours of Colorado Continuing Education credits upon successful completion of the course.

About Instructor

Colorado Career Advising

Start your career journey with the Colorado Career Advising (CCA) Tool. By taking a quick survey to identify your strengths and motivators, you can explore a world of career possibilities and create a personalized career action plan. Whether you're a career seeker or an advisor, the CCA Tool Survey, Results, and Resources provide the insights and guidance needed to find a best-fit career path.

2 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 13 Topics
  • 6 Reflections
  • Course Certificate

Course Duration - 2 hours