IndigoPathway Certification Course




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IndigoPathway is being used around the world with students, veterans, retired folks, and people who’ve recently been unemployed, experiencing homelessness, or are in other transition programs. Basically, IndigoPathway is for anyone trying to find a fulfilling job! 

This three-part video workshop series will help you use the IndigoPathway career survey and resources with people in job transition. After completing the activities and working with folks one-on-one who took the IndigoPathway career assessment, you will receive our Level 1 Certification. 

Course Outline

  • Session 1: Discuss the importance of strengths and the IndigoPathway Motivators.
  • Session 2: focusing on behaviors through the DISC framework.
  • Session 3: Overview of the rest of IndigoPathway’s pages and resources. 

What we believe

At IndigoPathway we believe that all people are created with a purpose and have inherent talents and abilities. All people have infinite value in simply being who they are. Our goal is to help people know themselves and know why a specific job or company is a good fit for them rather than trying to make themselves unnaturally fit into a job or company.